Project: TF-K8s-Deployment in EKS Cluster

Project: TF-K8s-Deployment in EKS Cluster


Deploy an application Kubernetes using Jenkins for CI-CD pipeline, EKS for automated cluster configuration, and terraform for provisioning of the infrastructure.

Project Code:


  • AWS for EC2, EKS, S3 bucket creation

  • Linux terminal for CLI execution

  • Install Terraform

      wget -O - | sudo gpg --dearmor -o /usr/share/keyrings/hashicorp-archive-keyring.gpg
      echo "deb [arch=$(dpkg --print-architecture) signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/hashicorp-archive-keyring.gpg] $(lsb_release -cs) main" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/hashicorp.list
      sudo apt update && sudo apt install terraform
  • Install AWS CLI

      sudo apt install unzip -y
      curl "" -o ""
      sudo ./aws/install
  • Ensure you have configured your AWS creds with CLI using aws configure.

  • Create a bucket with name “jenkins-terraform-kubernetes-nginx“ in ap-south-1 region.

  • Create a key-pair with name “jenkins-server-demo“ in ap-south-1 region.


  • Clone the Project

      git clone
  • You will find multiple files in it, let’s deep dive to explain each one

    • —> provisioning of VPC in aws

    • —> all the variables are initialized here

    • terraform.tfvars —> all the variables which are above initialized are assigned with values in this file

    • —> Code for the provisioning of EC2 in the subnet of VPC

    • —> Provisioning of security group with allow port for SSH and Jenkins (8080)

    • —> Creation of route table for the routes of subnet

    • —> In this file required providers are mentioned like aws with the specific region

    • —> This will give the public-ip of the EC2 instance

    • —> this will ensure that the state file of terraform (terraform.tfstate) is stored in the bucket

    • —> it has code to install git, Jenkins, Kubectl, AWS CLI.

  • Let’s create the infrastructure in AWS

  • Run the command to initialize the terraform backend

      terraform init
  • Check the code of terraform with this command

      terraform validate
  • Plan the action which terraform will do

      terraform plan
  • Apply the changes which you have planned

      terraform apply --auto-approve

After that you will receive this type of output:

  • Then access the created server using
ssh -i "jenkins-server-demo" ubuntu@<public-ip>
  • Check whether all the services which we have listed in the script are installed and running
git --version
java -version
jenkins --version
terraform -version
kubectl version --client
sudo systemctl status jenkins

If anything is not installed, then install it manually and update the server also.

  • Now access the Jenkins with the public-ip:8080 and configure it

  • Install plugins: Pipeline: Stage-view

  • After that go to manage Jenkins and configure your credentials of AWS and GitHub with these formats




  • Now create job with pipeline type

    • Discard old build

    • Choose Pipeline Script with SCM

      SCM: git

      Repository URL: paste your repository URL

      Credentials: choose your GitHub cred

      Branch: main

      Script Path: Jenkinsfile

      Apply > Save

    • Click on Build Now to build the job

      Congratulations you have successfully deployed your application in EKS Cluster using fully automated Jenkins pipeline.

  • If you get errors like

    • Bucket not found then check whether their exist bucket with same name as mentioned in the prerequisite.

    • Also ensure that AWS CLI is installed and configured in your provisioned instance.

  • Create a Bastion host in public subnet and access the server in private subnet using NAT gateway and then check by docker ps container is running or not.

  • If running congrats otherwise troubleshoot it.

  • After your project completion uncomment the delete EKS cluster script from the Jenkins pipeline code and run the Jenkins job again.

  • After that from your local delete the instance and VPC also using terraform destroy command.

Now you have completed the project also and no bill also came. So, all your work is done except one which is clicking the subscribe button below. 👇👇👇👇