Setup Virtual Environment
To Install the Virtual Environment run the following command
py -m pip install --user virtualenv
Now, to create the virtual environment
py -m venv env
here env -> Name of the virtual environment(you can name as per choice also)
After that to activate the virtual environment, run the command
Setup Server
To get this repository, run the following command inside your git-enabled terminal
git clone
After that, you have to switch to the Django-todo directory
cd Django-todo
You will need Django installed on your computer to run this app.
pip install django
Head over to for the download guide
Once you have downloaded Django, go to the cloned repo directory and run the following command
python makemigrations
This will create all the migrations file (database migrations) required to run this App.
Now, to apply these migrations run the following command
python migrate
One last step and then our todo App will be live. We need to create an admin user to run this App. On the terminal, type the following command and provide username, password, and email for the admin user
python createsuperuser
That was pretty simple, right? Now let's make the App live. We just need to start the server now and then we can start using our simple todo App. Start the server by following the command
python runserver
Once the server is hosted, head over to for the App.
COOL!!! You have Done it.
Now to run this same server on any other IP you just have to mention it before the above command.
python runserver
But if you get this error while accessing the todo-app:
then you have follow some steps -
firstly, open go to the file of this app
cd todoApp
Here you have to change the permission of Allowed host to grant everyone by adding this ['*']
After this refresh the screen
Finally you have done it.....
Now If you want to run this server on background so that you can access terminal also while running this app, run the following command
nohup python runserver &
What is nohup command?
![]( align="center")
Now to list the running services run the command
lsof -i:8000
What is lsof?
Now to stop the running server
kill -9 PID
Done you have successfully closed the server...