Cron Job in Linux

Cron Job in Linux

Essential for DevOps Engineers

Understanding Cron, Crontabs, and Cron Jobs

1. Cron

  • Definition: Cron is a time-based job scheduler in Unix-like operating systems. It allows users to automate repetitive tasks by executing commands or scripts at specified times and intervals.

  • Usage: Commonly used for system maintenance, backups, sending emails, or running scripts.

2. Crontab (Cron Table)

  • Definition: Crontab is a file where the cron jobs (tasks) are defined. Each user, including the system, can have their own crontab file.

  • Command:

    • crontab -e: Edit the user's crontab.

    • crontab -l: List the current user's crontab entries.

    • crontab -r: Remove the current user's crontab.

To see more details, run

cat /etc/crontab

3. Cron Jobs

  • Definition: A cron job is a specific task or command scheduled to run at a particular time and interval using cron.

  • Syntax:

      * * * * * /path/to/command_or_script

    The * symbols represent time fields in this order:

    • Minute (0-59)

    • Hour (0-23)

    • Day of the Month (1-31)

    • Month (1-12 or names like Jan, Feb)

    • Day of the Week (0-6 or names like Sun, Mon)

Example Cron Job

Task: Run a script daily at 2:30 AM.

  1. Create the script:

     echo "Backup started at $(date)" >> /path/to/backup.log
     tar -czf /path/to/backup.tar.gz /important/directory
     echo "Backup completed at $(date)" >> /path/to/backup.log
  2. Edit the crontab: Open crontab using:

     crontab -e
  3. Add the cron job:

     30 2 * * * /path/to/

Advanced Example with Environment Variables

  • Task: Schedule a Python script to run every Monday at 9:00 AM.

      MAILTO=""  # Send output/errors via email
      0 9 * * 1 python3 /path/to/

Common Use Cases

  1. System Cleanup:
    Clear temporary files every hour:

     0 * * * * rm -rf /tmp/*
  2. Server Health Check:
    Run a script to monitor CPU usage every minute:

     * * * * * /path/to/
  3. Database Backup:
    Backup a database weekly on Sunday at midnight:

     0 0 * * 0 /path/to/
     # here last 0 = sunday

By leveraging cron, you can automate repetitive tasks, ensuring efficiency and reducing manual intervention.

Cron Job for Backup

First write a script

alert = 90
backup_date = $(date +"%m-%d-%Y-%H-%M-%S")
df -h | awk '{print $5 " " $1}' | while read output;
    usage = $(echo $ouput | awk '{print $1}' | cut -d'%' -f1) 
    file_sys = $(echo $ouput | awk '{print $2}') 
    if [ $usage -ge $alert ]
        echo "CRITICAL for $file_sys on $backup_date"

Then create crontab

crontab -e
* * * * * bash /home/ubuntu/ >> /home/ubuntu/backup.logs

Done now check in the specified path you will find that script…